Ufficio vendita

58 572 02 02

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POLIPACK shall make every effort to ensure that each of our suppliers enjoys excellent reputation and highly values ethical standards as well as transparent and responsible business practices.

ThisCODE shall formally establish practices in force in POLIPACK and shall clearly state that, taking into account cultural differences and legal requirements, regardless of where our suppliers and contractors that manufacture products or elements used in the manufacture of POLIPACK packages operate and regardless of where services are performed, we expect that such operations shall be conducted in accordance with highest standards, with contribution to the preservation of POLIPACK excellent reputation.

This CODE shall include standards that are objective, measurable and related to national regulations in force. However, additional explanations may be required in certain fields; therefore, in case of any doubts, please contact directly:

Mobile phone No:+48537005454

Laws and regulations
POLIPACK suppliers shall be required to act in strict accordance with all laws and regulations permanently and temporarily in force in countries they conduct operations in as well as in accordance with requirements hereof.

Child labour
POLIPACK suppliers shall be required to observe national regulations concerning a minimum age of workers. Workers shall be required to(a) be at least 15 or 14 years old if national regulations approve such a lower age according to the International Labour Organisation recommendations; or (b) be over the minimum age for completing compulsory education; or (c) be over the minimum age for employment in the country of manufacture.

Slave labour
POLIPACK suppliers shall not be allowed to take advantage of any type of involuntary work or slave work of children or adults, including forced work, prisoners work, slave or illegal immigrants work.

POLIPACK suppliers shall be required to treat all their workers with respect and dignity, respecting their right to privacy and personal dignity. Workers may not be subject to corporal punishment, threats, physical, psychological, verbal nor sexual abuse. POLIPACK suppliers shall by no means tolerate any manifestations of such behaviour and gestures. POLIPACK suppliers may not impose any financial penalties under disciplinary procedures, unless national regulations allow it.

Salaries and benefits
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to pay their workers at least minimum salaries according to national regulations and provide them with obligatory employee benefits specified in relevant regulations. In addition to basic salaries, employees must also receive overtime pay according to bonus rates in accordance with relevant legal requirements.

Working time
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to ensure that their workers, unless extraordinary conditions occur, perform duties within normal working hours and overtime specified in the law of the country of manufacture.

Occupational health and safety
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to provide their employees with a clean, safe and healthy working environment satisfying all obligatory requirements of standards concerning occupational health and safety in countries they operate in.

No discrimination
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to ensure that employment, salaries, benefits, career paths, termination of employment and retirement are based on impartially assessed qualifications of candidates and workers, and not on their nationality, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, political views, religious beliefs, nor other workers personal traits, such as sex, age, health status or level of certified disability.

Women’s rights
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to ensure that women are treated equally in all aspects of their employment. Passing of a pregnancy test may not be a condition for employment. Moreover, workers may not be forced to use contraceptives.

Freedom of association and collective agreements
POLIPACK suppliers shall be required to respect workers’ rights concerning free association, especially when it comes to joining associations or withdrawing membership. POLIPACK suppliers must also respect workers’ right to execute collective agreements.

Environmental protection
POLIPACK suppliers shall be obliged to observe all national regulations concerning environment relating to a workplace, products and methods of manufacture. Additionally, suppliers may take relevant measures in order to minimalize the negative impact of their operations on the natural environment and local communities. They themselves shall use natural resources in a sustainable way and work so as to minimize the use of energy –in terms of technologies that are available and applicable for implemented processes.

Integrity in business
POLIPACK suppliers shall not participate in any dishonest trade activities, such as price fixing, bid rigging, monopolistic practices, speculations on currency rates and other prices. Moreover they shall not tolerate, nor practice corruption themselves. They shall avoid potential conflicts of interest between private activities of employees and business interests, as well as refrain from benefiting from such conflicts.

POLIPACK suppliers shall communicate the content and provisions of thisCode to their management boards and shall require that their suppliers and contractors respect requirements included herein. Additionally, they shall assess the quality of its observation while choosing suppliers and beginning collaboration with them.

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The data administrator is P.P.H.U. Polipack Spółka Jawna Irena Więckowska and Katarzyna Kolmetz with headquarters in Gościcino 84-241, 21 Handlowa Street. Personal data will be processed for the purpose of sending commercial information by e-mail. You have the right to access your data and to correct it and the right to delete it. You can update your data by sending an email to us at sklep@epolipack.com.pl. The subscription can be canceled at any time by using the appropriate link placed at the end of each newsletter.

